As Ship Agents we offer our clients an integrated solution, providing the vessel and its cargo the necessary support to guarantee safe and successful operations at port
We take care of all kind of vessels (Liner, Tramp, Tankers, Offshore) at Colombian ports, with the support of an efficient team of specialized professionals in maritime operations and an effective Back Office service.
We take care of all kind of vessels (Liner, Tramp, Tankers, Offshore) at Colombian ports, with the support of an efficient team of specialized professionals in maritime operations and an effective Back Office service.

As Ship Agents we offer our clients an integrated solution, providing the vessel and its cargo the necessary support to guarantee safe and successful operations at port
Reliable solutions for the mobilization of all types of cargo throughout the country.
The national logistics area has established itself as an important player in logistics services for shipping companies, exporters, importers and different companies becoming the most reliable local and international solution for the mobilization of all types of cargo, highlighting

We offer a wide portfolio of transportation services for containerized, refrigerated, bulk, static, self-propelled and oversized cargo, guaranteeing the best service standards to our local and international clients.
We are engaged in the maritime and commercial agency of different regular traffic Shipping Lines, covering all traffics globally and developing commercial solutions tailored to the operations of our represented Shipping Lines.
We are engaged in the maritime and commercial agency of different regular traffic Shipping Lines, covering all traffics globally and developing commercial solutions tailored to the operations of our represented Shipping Lines.

We offer a wide portfolio of transportation services for containerized, refrigerated, bulk, static, self-propelled and oversized cargo, guaranteeing the best service standards to our local and international clients.
About us
Naves was founded in 1986 and since its beginning it has been linked to Maritime Agency. Since its inception, its services have been focused on assisting charter vessels, regular line services and tankers nationwide. Additionally, it is part of a business group with a very important presence in the business at a regional level, which enhances the standard and know-how in the operations and allows to provide a wide network of support to its clients.
Currently, in Colombia it has more than 120 direct collaborators, supporting the different Business Units in which the organization has diversified, such as Maritime Agency, Commercial Representations of Maritime Lines, National Logistics (storage, trucking, tracking services and expediting), International Logistics, Industrial Services to Oil & Gas, Minning, among other industries, and Customs, Documentary and Container Control Services.
Our corporate values




Nuestros Proyectos
Agenciamiento Marítimo
Atendemos todo tipo de embarcaciones (Liner, Tramp, Tanqueros, buques para
servicios Offshore) en los puertos colombianos, con el apoyo de un eficiente
equipo de profesionales especializados en operaciones marítimas y un efectivo
servicio de Back Office.
Representaciones Marítimos
Nos dedicamos al agenciamiento marítimo y comercial de diferentes Líneas
Navieras de tráfico regular, cubriendo todos los tráficos a nivel global y
desarrollando soluciones comerciales a la medida de las operaciones de nuestras
Soluciones confiables para la movilización de todo tipo de cargas en todo el país. El área de
logística nacional se ha consolidado como uno de los principales proveedores para
navieras, exportadores, importadores y distintas empresas en la solución local e
internacional más confiable para la movilización de todo tipo de cargas en todo el país.
Globaldesk ofrece servicios de back office operativo para la industria naviera,
freight forwarder y de comercio exterior. Como gestores y administradores de la
información de nuestros clientes velamos por mantener la confidencialidad de la
misma y buscamos operar dentro de un modelo estandarizado.